Mixed Emotions

Today, we had court for the boys. It’s been a long road to get to this day, and now that it’s arrived, I don’t know how to feel.

We sat and listened to the lawyers and caseworker list all the ways our boys’ birth parents didn’t want them. They used words like “abandoned” and “neglected” and “refused to support”. They stated how the boys have been in foster care for nearly two years and haven’t had one single visit with their birth parents. My heart broke as I sat there and listened to the ways our boys aren’t loved the way they should be.

But then, they discussed how the boys have been in loving homes for nearly two years. How they are thriving because of the families who took them in. How they’ve received therapies and services they need in order to excel in life. How there are four parents who are desperate to make them permanent members of their families.

At the end of the hearing, the judge ordered for the termination of parental rights on the biological parents. I will never forget today. I will never forget the pain of knowing my boys won’t know their biological families. I will never forget why they came to us. But I will also never forget hearing the judge say, “but these boys are exactly where they are meant to be.”

My heart aches knowing in order for our boys to be with us, they had to suffer a major loss and painful experiences. But I also rejoice in knowing they will always have a family that loves them more than anything.

Sephora VIB Sale

Y’all, this sale is one of my all time favorites! From now until September 3, Rouge members receive 20% off, VIB receive 15% off, and Insiders receive 10% off their entire purchase! This is the perfect time to stock up on all your favorite products. Below, I’ve rounded up my favorite must have beauty items you don’t want to miss out on!

Sephora Bright Future Gel Serum Concealer


This concealer is my all time favorite. It provides the perfect amount of coverage without feeling too heavy.

IT COSMETICS Your Skin But Better CC+Illumination Cream with SPF 50+


I cannot say enough good things about this CC cream! It provides the perfect, weightless full coverage and has the added benefit of 50+ SPF which saves so much time during my morning makeup routine.

St. Tropez Extra Dark Bronzing Mousse


I’ve tried DOZENS of self tanners and this one is by far my favorite. It goes on easily (but definitely make sure you purchase a tanning mitt to keep your hands from getting covered) and smoothly. The color looks so natural on doesn’t streak.

Tarte Tartiest PRO Glow Highlight & Contour Palette



Okay, so this pallete is the jam! I actually use it more for eye shadow but the colors are exceptional. The pigments are fantastic and blend really nicely. Bonus, it’s perfect for travel because it has all the colors you need for a whole contoured/highlight/casual eye look.


You do not want to miss out on this sale! If you aren’t already a Beauty Insider, signing up is quick and easy. Click the link below and it’ll take you directly to the signup page. Happy Shopping!!

Sephora Beauty Insider Sign Up










As of Lately

Hey y’all! I can’t believe it’s been over TWO years since my last post. So much has happened and I can’t wait to share it with you, but first, i figured it’d be a good idea to re-introduce myself 😀

I’m Rachel, a 30- something wife, foster mom, and most recently, a workout enthusiast! (And yes, if you’ve known me for years, you did read that right 😉) My husband and I have two precious foster sons we are in the process of adopting and three completely insane but wonderful dogs. I live in Greenville, South Carolina but grew up in a small town in Upstate New York. In my heart, I’ve always been a southerner, but wasn’t able to claim the title until I was 19. Growing up in NY was wonderful and I wouldn’t wish away any part of my life there but I am so thankful to be able to call SC my home.

I love to decorate and craft but at the moment, I don’t spend a lot of time doing either. One of these days, I’ll get my act together and start working on more projects, but for now, most of my time is spent making sure my children don’t climb up the walls 😅.

I’m also obsessed with makeup and fashion but most days, you’ll find me in leggings and a t-shirt or workout clothes. Fingers crossed, this blog will force me to break out of my current “lazy mom uniform” and start wearing cute, fashionable clothes again 🤣.

That’s all for now! I’d love to get to know y’all, so leave me something about yourself in the comments below!




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Thank You

As I sit here and write this, I can’t stop crying as I realize how loved Jonathan and I are. I often find myself taking for granted the people who’ve always been there for me and always will be and yet, these last few days have been a beautiful reminder of how precious those people are to me.

I am truly overwhelmed by the love and support Jonathan and I have received since making our story public. While we still have a long road ahead of us, knowing we have so many friends and family who’ve never stopped praying and believing our child is waiting, gives us strength to get through the really tough days.

So really, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being there to cry with me. Thank you for listening to me as I vent about another negative pregnancy test. Thank you for helping me navigate yet another pregnancy announcement I want to be celebrate but while I feel completely heartbroken as well. Thank you for the messages sent out of the blue checking in because I’ve been on your mind or heart. There will never be a way to fully express how truly grateful I am to be surrounded by such a loving community of family and friends.

With all my love,


Silent Sadness

For as long as I can remember, depression and anxiety have been a constant battle in which I often find myself on the losing end. I’ve always been really good at hiding it, but eventually, it started to take over. I began distancing myself from friends and family, avoiding any social situation, and spending days in bed crying for what felt like no reason, just so no one would know.

Jonathan, the sweet, caring husband he is, felt helpless as to how to make it better. If you’ve never experienced depression, it’s difficult to understand because it’s so hard to explain. There’s no one thing that triggers it and often, everything in life is normal and great when suddenly, it hits. With the support and encouragement of Jonathan, we decided  it was time to seek professional help. After meeting with my doctor, she concluded I have a serotonin imbalance which affects how my brain processes emotions and deals with stress. We discussed my options and determined my best course of action was to begin taking an anti-depressant. The idea of medication wasn’t something I was entirely sure of, but my doctor was so great and explained treating mental health is no different than treating a physical illness.

It’s been nearly two years since I began treatment and while there will always be bad days, they come less frequently than ever before. I am so thankful I finally took this step to get my mental health in order. If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, etc., I urge you to speak with your doctor and see what options are out there and what works best for you. Seeking help and taking medication don’t make you weak. And remember, you are not alone!



I’ll be honest, I have no idea where to start. I’ve shared our story so many times but never actually wrote it down and it feels a little strange to put it all out there for the whole world to see. If you know me, you know I am pretty much an open book although I rarely use social media as my platform. I’m definitely a one-on-one, let’s get coffee and have a conversation, kind of person. So, here goes something new and more public than anything I’ve ever done.
First off, I want to thank everyone who reads this for all your love, support and prayers. It has been almost four years of pain, disappointment, heartbreak and sadness; however, knowing we have such an incredible support system in our friends and family has provided us with much needed comfort. If you’re reading this and have faced similar struggles, I encourage you to share your story. Infertility is such a personal and emotional experience; it’s so easy to feel isolated and alone. The truth is, infertility is much more common than we realize, but speaking up is often uncomfortable and terrifying. I’ve come to realize keeping it bottled up is quite unhealthy and can lead to serious mental and physical repercussions. I’m starting to sound like an after-school special, so let’s move on.
When Jonathan and I got married in December 2011, we knew having children was definitely part of our plan. We discussed waiting two years before starting our family, but by July, my maternal instincts kicked in and combined with being in an unfamiliar state, I was ready to have a baby. I’m sure Jonathan will share his side of the story at some point, but let’s just say I took matters into my own hands before he was 100% on board. Not my finest moment, I admit. Sorry babe 🙂 We both figured it’d take a few months to get pregnant, but by December, we started to feel like something wasn’t right. Spring came and I finally made an appointment with my doctor to make sure everything was working properly. The results showed everything was normal which brought a mixture of relief and frustration. Part of me hoped there was something wrong so at least we had an answer for why couldn’t pregnant. Instead, we were met with unanswered questions and uncertainty of where to go next.
After 24 months of trying, waiting, crying and praying, we began to feel as though we were being called in a different direction. For several weeks, I started having vivid dreams of our newborn baby being handed to us, wrapped in pink, with the birth mother thanking us for loving her little girl and caring for her in a way she wasn’t able to. At first, I brushed the dreams off. I tend to have crazy, life like dreams, so I just attributed it to that. Plus, adoption wasn’t something I’d ever considered or something Jonathan and I had ever really discussed. It certainly wasn’t out of the question, but had never been something we put much thought into. The dreams kept coming; some were of a baby left on our front door with the birth certificate showing our names, others came in the form of a young mom not ready to handle a baby but wanting to make sure it was loved and cared for. I realized the dreams were more than just dreams and finally shared them with Jonathan. In that moment, we both looked at each other and realized our family was going to grow through adoption. Not because it was a last resort or a back up plan, but it was the plan laid out for us, we just hadn’t seen it yet.
While there will always been a sting of emptiness left by infertility, the joy of knowing our children will be part of our family soon enough fills the empty spaces.